cast glass production

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are you an interested glass artist?

we are always looking for extremely talented glass artists.  

is there something that you specialize in???  we need to know...  if we can't do something for our customers then you could be the answer we're looking for...  we could direct customers to your talents.

we are very committed to our customers.  so, service, dependability, product quality, and product consistency are what we strive for.

our goal is to always have happy customers.

please contact us via the contact form.  along with your contact please let us know what you specialize in (cast, blown, etc), a photo or two would be nice, the type of glass that you use, your artistic history, scheduling priorities, and your desires or needs of us.

thank you, and we do look forward to your e-mail...  



custom art glass production

      blown glass          cast glass         vases & bowls         sculptures           architectural         laser crystal        replications

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  � 2004 cast glass production, custom hot glass art & art cast glass
.  all rights reserved.
  po box 98, kirkland wa 98083  .. shop address on request   |   (206) 650-4265 hot shops   |   (425) 750-0003 office   |   webmaster